Nambu ironware finds its roots in the mid-17th century, emerging alongside the Nambu samurai clan's rule over northern Iwate Prefecture. The Nambu clan invited adept foundry artisans from Kyoto and beyond to shape intricate pieces such as Buddhist altars and tea kettles. Our own legacy, named Oitomi, was established in 1848. As a united collective of skilled craftsmen, our unwavering focus has centered on the art of creating Nambu ironware. With a history spanning over 170 years, we've diligently safeguarded and passed down our exceptional skills and revered customs, ensuring their seamless continuation into the contemporary era.


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The world of Japanese cast iron kettles by traditional craftsman Shingo Kikuchi, who carries on the 400-year-old molding technique of Nambu Tetsubin into the modern era.

عالم غلايات الحديد الزهر اليابانية على يد الحرفي التقليدي شينغو كيكوتشي، الذي يحمل تقنية صب نامبو تيتسوبين التي يبلغ عمرها 400 عام إلى العصر الحديث.

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