Nambu المشغولات الحديدية, حصيرة الركيزة, DAITOKUJI




هذه سجادة جميلة مع شكل غلاية حديدية نموذجية بنمط arare. كما أن بها فتحة للتوتير ، بحيث يمكنك ترتيبها لتعلق على الحائط.

إنه العنصر الذي يجب اقتناؤه لأولئك الذين يحبون أدوات Nambu الحديدية.


Cast iron, String


Diameter: 14cm
Height:: 1.1cm
Weight: 310g


Since it is made of iron, red rust will occur when exposed to water.
It is recommended to wipe dry after use.

Do not use a sponge or a washcloth as it causes loss of color.


International Shipping Available

All items are eligible for international shipping.

Items are manufactured after receiving orders and will be shipped from Japan in about 1-2 months(Maximum 3 months for items labeled "made-to-order").
The schedule may be revised depending on destination countries, shipping companies, and changes of customs rules.


About Customs Duties and Taxes

Your final payment on our website includes the price of the product and shipping costs, but does not include any other fees required for international shipping, such as import taxes, customs duties, and other fees.

Please be aware that in all cases you are responsible for paying any import fees applied to your order.

These fees are set in detail for each country and region, and the rules are revised frequently. Please make sure that information is up to date when you place an order.

Refunds due to customs or import issues that are not our responsibility will not be accepted.

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